Bristol Bay Summer Book Review
Annie Boochever's book, Bristol Bay Summer, is about a girl named Zoey who doesn't want to move to Bristol Bay, Alaska for the summer. After her mom and dad divorced, her mom, her brother, and Zoey moved to Anchorage and now, her mom's boyfriend, Patrick wanted them to move to Bristol bay to work fish. A few days after they arrived Eliot, her little brother, got sick. Thomas, the son of the woman they came to work for skiffed them to the nearest hospital. When Eliot got better, they went home and started working for Thomas's mom and uncle. Zoey's job was to pick the fish out of the net with Thomas. Patrick transported the fish by plane to Dillingham. One day while he and her mom were away, a Japanese Typhoon with winds to 70 mph blew their camp away. Zoey tried to get Eliot to Thomas's house but they lost their way. Instead, they ended up at the old boat beached in the sand they found on their first day in Bristol Bay. When the storm died down, Zoey's mom decided that they should go back to Anchorage but Zoey decides to stay with Patrick. She wants to use the money she got to go back and visit her dad in Colorado. But on the way back from dropping off Zoey's mom and brother, the plane crashes! Zoey has to save Patrick from the wreck and call " mayday" on the radio because he was badly injured and had passed out. She was also upset because she had called her dad and found out that he was already remarried and his new wife was pregnant. But once Patrick was better and they went back to Anchorage, she can't wait to go back to Bristol Bay next summer.

One of the largest themes in Bristol Bay Summer is that sometimes, things you think are going to be terrible don't turn out to be so bad. This theme is supported when Zoey is thinking about how she really doesn't want to go. "Every time the Bristol Bay idea had come up she was very clear 'I am not going'"(15). When Zoey decides she doesn't want to go home, she says "When everyone was seated Eliot said, 'Zoey, aren't you happy? Mom, says we get to go home now?' Zoey finished chewing, 'Not really'"(197). Last of all, Zoey says, " I never thought in a million years, I would want to come back here but now I hope I do"(240). This statement proves that even though in the beginning of the summer she didn't want to come now she is looking forward to coming back.
I would definitely recommend this book, especially for people enjoy the outdoors. This book gives you a good taste of fish work in Bristol Bay and pull you into Zoey's adventures. Annie Boochever ties Zoey's family and her mom's boyfriend in so that everything really fits. I think that almost anyone could enjoy this book.
I would definitely recommend this book, especially for people enjoy the outdoors. This book gives you a good taste of fish work in Bristol Bay and pull you into Zoey's adventures. Annie Boochever ties Zoey's family and her mom's boyfriend in so that everything really fits. I think that almost anyone could enjoy this book.